GIZ – Conflict Management

FSLGA partnered with GIZ to tackle the causes of conflict and to facilitate peaceful coexistence in local
government setup. FSLGA targeted the councils from Eastern, Southern Province. These programs were
held over zoom meetings. This helped local government institutions i to understand how the causes of
conflict can be overcome and conflict resolved in a non-violent way.

The program facilitated to develop strategies for preventing crises and violence. It is committed to the
local government context and related to real life issues. The objective is to establish the conditions that
make peaceful, inclusive and sustainable local government workplace possible. FSLGA promoted
constructive dialogue between council staffs and elected members. FSLGA became an mediation to
identify and overcome conflict.

With positive remarks after the events, The local government institutes were strengthened at local levels
of political and social cohesion. This became a great initiative and for the councils to tackle previous
experiences of violence and draw lessons for the future.