Completed Programs
Dissemination of SPIRIT Project findings- A lecture for master’s students of the Institute of Spatial and Regional Planning (IREUS) at the University of Stuttgart, Germany
In a lecture held on April 17th, 2024, Professor Nishara Fernando, from the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, engaged the Masters students of the Institute of Spatial and Regional Planning (IREUS) at the University of Stuttgart, Germany. Tailored meticulously for students specializing in Urban Planning, Environmental Planning, Infrastructure Planning, and Architecture, the session offered insights …
Insights from a Research Presentation on Post-Crisis Municipal Solid Waste Management in Sri Lanka
On May 1, 2023, Professor Nishara Fernando, Researcher, and Mr. Malith De Silva, Junior Researcher, of the project ‘’Transformation of waste management practices and policies in South Asia during and after the COVID-19 pandemic: Impacts on gender equality and sustainability.’ made a joint presentation at the Institute of Geography and Sustainability, University of Lausanne, Lausanne. …
Transforming Waste Management in South Asia: Addressing Post-COVID Gender Equality and Sustainability
The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the critical importance of effective waste managementpractices in safeguarding public health and environmental sustainability. Against this backdrop, a researchproject titled “Transformation of Waste Management Practices and Policies in South Asia during and afterthe COVID-19 pandemic: Impacts on gender equality and sustainability” has been initiated with fundingfrom the Swiss National Science …
Transforming Waste Management: Insights from the Dissemination Workshop in Akmeemana Divisional Secretariat
On 26 th of February 2024, a dissemination workshop was held in the Akmeemana Divisional Secretariatin Galle, Sri Lanka under the project “Transformation of waste management practices and policies inSouth Asia during and after the COVID-19 pandemic: Impacts on gender equality and sustainability.”Supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation under the Swiss Programme for InternationalResearch …
Strengthening Social Cohesion in Sri Lanka, Interactive dialogue with youth in Mannar District.
Federation of Sri Lankan Local Government Authorities discussed with Youth Activists in the Mannar Urban Council area developing partnerships with Local Councils and working together for common goals. This discussion was held on March 8, 2023, under”Strengthening Social Cohesion in Sri Lanka (SSCSL)’ funded by the Asia Foundation.
Exposure Visit to Promote Accountability Mechanism – Kothmale Pradeshiya Sabha
ශ්රී ලංකා පළාත් පාලන ආයතනයන්ගේ සංසදය විසින් ඇක්ටඩ් ආයතනය සමඟ එක්ව දියත් කරනු ලබන ව්යාපෘතියට අදාලව කොත්මලේ ප්රාදේශීය සභාව අතර දැනුම සහ යහපුරුදු හුවමාරු කිරීමේ වැඩසටහනක් පසුගිය දිනක සංවිධානය කරන ලදි. මේ සඳහා ඉරක්කාමම් ප්රාදේශීය සභාව, තිරුක්කෝවිල් ප්රාදේශීය සභාව, මඩකලපුව මහා නගර සභාව සහ මන්මුනෙයි දකුණු එරුවිල් පත්තු ප්රාදේශීය සභා කණ්ඩායම් සහභාගී විය. FSLGA, in …
Exposure Visit to Promote Accountability Mechanism – Kothmale Pradeshiya Sabha Read More »
Exposure visit to promote accountability mechanism – Irakkamam Pradeshiya Sabha
ශ්රී ලංකා පළාත් පාලන ආයතනයන්ගේ සංසදය විසින් ඇක්ටඩ් ආයතනය සමඟ එක්ව දියත් කරනු ලබන ව්යාපෘතියට අදාලව ඉරක්කාමම් ප්රාදේශීය සභාව අතර දැනුම සහ යහපුරුදු හුවමාරු කිරීමේ වැඩසටහනක් පසුගිය දිනක සංවිධානය කරන ලදි.මේ සඳහා ගාල්ල මහා නගර සභාව, නාගොඩ ප්රාදේශීය සභාව සහ බෝපේ-පෝද්දල ප්රාදේශීය සභා කණ්ඩායම් සහභාගී විය. FSLGA, in partnership with ACTED, recently organized another exposure …
Exposure visit to promote accountability mechanism – Irakkamam Pradeshiya Sabha Read More »
GIZ – Conflict Management
FSLGA partnered with GIZ to tackle the causes of conflict and to facilitate peaceful coexistence in localgovernment setup. FSLGA targeted the councils from Eastern, Southern Province. These programs wereheld over zoom meetings. This helped local government institutions i to understand how the causes ofconflict can be overcome and conflict resolved in a non-violent way. The …
INSPIRED – Social Cohesion Through Economic Development.
Inspired partnered with FSLGA to implement Social Cohesion Through Economic Development withcouncils from Eastern Province The fundamental goal of this public-private partnership debate is toimprove efficiency and service-delivery capacity in order to meet the needs of businessmen and small scale traders in Eastern Province Highlighting the program’s key objectives, which include creating a platform for …
INSPIRED – Social Cohesion Through Economic Development. Read More »